We all make New Year’s plans and resolutions – plans on how to “work hard” to “get what’s out there.” I’m offering you a different angle on that idea….
I recently picked up a copy of Deepak Chopra’s book “The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire” and just finished it on a plane ride to Europe. What’s not to like about a title like that?
“The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire” is an excellent book. Deepak is a dedicated meditator and I felt that the book pulled me into the peaceful, mystical, “boundless” place that he writes from. I am thankful to feel very chilled out right now. I needed that!
I admit, I sometimes fall prey to the state of “wanting more”, and I work every day at finding peace and gratitude for what I’ve got. I always come back to finding that my joy, peace and creativity comes from being spiritually centered.
“Wanting more” is in fact the cause of pain and restlessness itself. There is a cure though. Once we are thankful for what we have and enjoy a feeling of peace within, more comes rushing into our lives. That’s the irony!
I read something in the book that resonated with me, a message I much needed to hear as I gathered ideas about “achieving goals in 2012”, and I’d like to share it with you.
“Suppose a hunter in the Amazon rain forest is having difficulty finding game. If he goes to a Shaman, neither the hunter nor Shaman looks anywhere but within the hunter himself to solve the problem.”
“It never occurs to them to say something like ‘There’s no game out there’. ”
Happy New Year, and may all your good find you in 2012!