Hey! I hope you enjoy this reaction to the video of “Blue Bossa” that Walter Rodrigues Jr. and I just did. It was a BLAST getting to dig into some fingerstyle jazz guitar again! 🙂
[Read more…] about My Reaction to the “BLUE BOSSA” Jazz Guitar Video With Walter Rodgrigues Jr. (FREE PDF)Fingerstyle Guitar
Every Breath You Take – Fingerstyle Guitar
One of my faves – “Every Breath You Take” for fingerstyle guitar! Made famous by The Police & Sting – the composer. I finally cracked the fingerstyle guitar solution on this one. Enjoy!
If you enjoyed this video, please leave a comment below!
How to Listen to Your Own Guitar Playing
When you play the guitar, what are you listening for in your playing?
- Are you listening for small and important details?
- Or are you stepping back and listening to the “whole”?
- How should you be listening?
Let’s take a look at this…
When a painter works on detail, she is super close up to the canvas. Each brushstroke, texture and shading is accounted for.
That requires serious microscope up close focus!
However, there’s another mode of viewing the canvas which is stepping way back and looking at the “whole.”
That puts all the tiny details in a different context. [Read more…] about How to Listen to Your Own Guitar Playing
9 Ways to Boost Your Creativity on Guitar (and get out of a rut)
Sometimes when we work on the same creative project for a long time, under the same circumstances we can get into what is called a “rut.”
This can happen whether it’s practicing guitar, writing, work responsibilities, painting, etc. It’s the feeling of no matter how much we practice or work, that things stay the same.
It’s a “stuck” feeling…we can’t figure out how to get new life, joy and inspiration back into our work.
We wonder “where did the fun go?”
It’s totally normal, so don’t worry if you are feeling this. It means you’re caught in a cycle.
[Read more…] about 9 Ways to Boost Your Creativity on Guitar (and get out of a rut)
The Joy of Horizontal Musical Flow
Have you ever had times where you’ve tried to master a guitar technique, but get stuck no matter how hard you try?
Or maybe you’ve seen someone play something and they make it look oh-so-easy, yet when you try it, you “hit the wall?”
I’ve been there too, but I’ve been fortunate enough to be shown how to navigate this inner mental game by master teachers. [Read more…] about The Joy of Horizontal Musical Flow