My teacher Mike Longo had a great axiom so that one could keep a fire under their own butt, accomplish more and be accountable to oneself.
He had many first time students who would walk in and for their first lesson recite their musical accomplishments to impress him. “Ho hum….”
He’s seen it all, and knew that he’d have to break down their ego if they were to learn. A little humility would actually impress him a lot more than a running list of “I did this, I did that” from someone he’s never met.
So here is the 3 question list:
1. What?
What is it that you have done, accomplished, etc.
2. So What?
Meaning “Ok, now we got that out of the way and it’s over. Other people have accomplished stuff too.”
3. Now What?
“That was then, and it’s over. Present moment is NOW. You’re accountable. What are you doing now?”
How many times have we seen people who have accomplished something and are “stuck” in looking in a “rear view mirror” and identifying with even a 10 or 20 year old accomplishment?
I hold my feet to the same fire. I have just released the Jackson Five Guitar DVD and I am thinking “what, so what, now what?”
Honestly, I’m excited with the “now what?” Will it be more touring, more recording, more practicing guitar, devoting more time to relationships, exercise? More meditation and self discovery?
What will my next years focus be?
The point is, I am not happy to talk about what I have done and beat it to death while life slips by. I am eager to get to work again and get some dirt under my fingernails with the next project. Grrrrrrr…..
So I leave you with this question….no matter what you have accomplished in life, however great…”now what?”