I’d like to start by wishing you a wonderful, Happy Healthy Thanksgiving.
I recently read about how gratitude literally re-wires one’s brain, unlike any other thought-feeling-emotion – whatever you’d call it.
For that reason, I’ve decided to resume my “gratitude journaling.” I am only on day 3, but since it’s Thanksgiving I wanted to share my “Top 10 List” of things I am currently grateful for – with you.
It’s not always natural or easy to feel gratitude…but journaling it can “kickstart” the flow…
I also challenge you to make a “Top 10 List” for yourself…and check in on how you feel
over the next 24 hours.
My Top 10 Gratitude List:
I can’t stand putting things “in order” as that makes it seem linear when in reality it’s a big blob of thanks.
1. My Dad
This guy is still my favorite superhero and was my first inspiration to play guitar.
He’s 77 and still working full time…mentally and physically fit. He’s overcome so much in his life. I am so thankful he’s still around.
2024 Update…
It’s been a rough year but our family is holding on. My dad is winning the battle against prostate cancer. I’m thankful he is still with us.
I love you, Dad.

2. My Partner
My girlfriend Judith stands by me no matter what. She’s also my best friend. We’ve had some serious ups and downs these past few years, yet she stands solid as a rock no matter how weird I get…and believe me…I get weird. Really weird.
I love you Judith.

2024 Update…
Judith and I got married! Look at how stunning my wife is. I am thankful to be blessed with such a wonderful person to spend the rest of my life with.

3. My Family
My stepmom, my brother & his wife and daughter, my quasi in-laws and my quasi step kids. We don’t have a lot of contact but I know you are there, and you know I am here.
No pic, as I am respecting everyones privacy and workplace politics. 🙂
I love you all. Thanks for being there.
4. My Friends
Many of my close friends are musicians and many musicians I work with become close friends 🙂 Some are old friends and some are new…
- You all keep me alive!
- You are the ones I lean on when I am down.
- You are the ones who kick me in the ass when I need it.
- You are the ones who tell me I’ve done well when I beat myself up.

With my friend Paul Beaudry’s “New Tomorrows” Project (myself, Paul and Khalil Kwame Bell.)

With my oldest friend John-Christian Urich and his band Tortured Soul (myself, Little, John-Christian, Isamu and Ernie.)
My close friend Henry Olsen from Super Simple Guitar – we chat every day about music, meditation, life, our goals and our online schools. Thank you Henry for being there!
I love you guys.
5. My Health
I am pretty lucky to be in good health. I could stand to do some more yoga-stretchy stuff, but I feel good, exercise and eat good stuff. I’ve been chilling on the sugar lately.
Thank You Lord, that I am in good health.
6. I Live in a Great Place
There’s so much negativity in the news, and that makes it easy to complain.
Things are far from perfect in the world but every day I wake up. Some places have overwhelming amounts of strife, suffering, bloodshed, oppression, and genocide.
…you get the idea.
I am thankful that I am currently living in Austria – where I have medical coverage, it’s pretty safe and I get to lead a creative life and decide how my days are spent.
I live like royalty as far as I am concerned.
Thank you Lord for this Blessed Life and that I live in a Wonderful Place.

7. My Dream Job Part 1: Touring
I get to travel and play guitar for people. How awesome is that? Very awesome indeed.

In concert with my buddy Michael Diehl:
In concert with master jazz guitarist Peter Sprague:

2024 Update…
I am thankful to have these awesome guys in my band IMP DA DIMP, a rare groove and vintage Boogaloo band:
- Philipp Rist – Organ
- Florian Kasper – Drums
- Felipe Ramos – Bass

Check out our version of Stayin’ Alive here:
8. My Dream Job Part 2: Teaching Guitar
I run my own online guitar school https://studywithadam.com and I get to share my wisdom and knowledge with those who appreciate and cherish it.
Giving people “AHA”S” and seeing them progress through hard work is extremely gratifying. This “job” scratches my musical itch and my computer nerd itch as well.
And…I am my own boss…did I mention that?
I am also beyond thankful for my Study With Adam (SWA) students. You’ve made my dream possible.
Thank You Lord, that I have this creative freedom and joy in my work.

9. My Pets
I love my poodle “Raffaela.” The quietest, sweetest dog in the world.

I love my rabbits…I keep forgetting their Austrian names, so I simply call them “Trump & Obama.”
Can you guess who is who?

Thank you Lord, that I have these innocent loving creatures in my life.
10. I’ve Rediscovered My Creativity!
I’ve shaken off a long gloomy phase of “perfectionism” thank God…(literally.)
This last month I have…
- Played & recorded with my best friends band Tortured Soul
- Rehearsed with a new band project of mine (TBA)
- Played with master guitarist Peter Sprague and “Guitar Masters Reichenberg Festival”
- Recorded and Uploaded 2 new arrangements / Youtube Videos – “Ain’t Nobody” and “Mambo Inn”
And here are some tears of joy brought on by writing this post.

Happy Thanks-giving!
Read more on how gratitude rewires the brain:
I am thankful for Adam Rafferty.I am thankful that learning Shelter Island reaffirmed my love for fingerstyle guitar. And when I got stuck on the signature riff, I went to the video and you said “it’s a syncopation”:and I had my “aha” moment. So thank you brother for all you do. Maybe a Learn with Adam ” lesson in 2019?
Jim…what lesson do you have in mind? I’d love to do it…please specify. AR
May God protect you and thanks to you for the beautiful emotions you can give.
Thank you Raffaele!
Happy thanksgiving to you Adam!
I am very thankful to have you. We do not see so often but when it is always like “yesterday” we have left …
A big hug to Judith and all the best for you all
Hey Bernd! Of course as well, I am thankful for you & the guitar community that has supported touring – for all of us. See you soon I hope….best to Ines & the family!
Thanks Adam,for sharing your heart.You indeed are so very blessed.May God continue to bless you and all those around you and all you do by bringing great music to us!!! “Happy Thanksgiving Adam!!!”
Happy Thanksgiving Adam, i thank you for all for your teaching for every thing, and I’m very happy to meet to see to listen your music your guitara and your hapinnes . God bless you and your family.
Thank you Livio!
Happy Thanksgiving. Love you bro.
Love you too! I messaged LI thinking you & the family were there…
I’ll whatsapp you later 🙂
That’s a beautiful list from a beautiful heart. Happy Thanksgiving!
Thank you Kelly!
Happy Thanksgiving Adam! Good to remember the important things.
Thanks Dave!
Awesome, Adam! I have always been so impressed with your courage, commitment and enthusiasm, ever since meeting you and hanging way back when at NGSW in Connecticut. How great to be living in Austria! We were just on a trip to the Dolomites in September, will try to look you up if we get back there, again. If you were to get one of those gigs teaching for that Mediterranean Guitar group, I would make a serious effort to get over there, but we would have to have a day of bebop between fingerstyle classes! Happy Thanksgiving!
Dana! Hey man, great to hear from you. I sometimes do those vaca – workshops so standby! Would love to see you after all these years! AR
Happy Thanksgiving, Adam! You do have it pretty good, my friend! You also reminded me of all that I have to be thankful for as well. Thanks for that!
Thanks Ryan!
Adam, really lovely, upbeat post, and as a side-track I checked out ‘Aint Nobody.’ It’s good, and I mean scarily good.
Thanks as always.
Thanks Colin! Happy Holidays to you & yours….
Adam, thank you very much about your post. You are a master musician and we all enjoy a lot your music and overall, your kindness by giving hot tips on the grace of being a musician. I hope you will come to Brazil to show us closely your music.
Hope to see you in Brazil my friend! AR
Auch ich freue mich, einen so positiven und netten Musiker und sympathischen Menschen kennengelernt zu haben. Deine 10 Punkte sind beeindruckend. Ich freue mich schon auf Hersbruck 2019.
Nachträglich Happy Thanksgiving!
Danke Dr. Rolf!!!!
Hi Adam,
A great post reinforcing the humility, blessings & kindness for all. Few countries have had the wisdom of Lincoln & Roosevelt to develop the unity of its citizens in this way. Contributing to the mystery of music with your songs & lessons is appreciated.
Thanks Rod!
Beautiful list Adam I practice gratitude daily and it has certainly changed my life for the better.
I’m also grateful I found your YouTube videos and website.
Thank you! 🙂
Thanks Alan!
Adam – What a beautiful family and life you have! Like you … my father is my favorite superhero. Though he passed several years ago I think about him most days-his kindness, mentoring, unconditional love and that big ol’ smile of encouragement when I was just learning to play in the second grade. Later in his life when he would attend my performances .. he would weep tears of joy and share how beautifully he thought I played. I’m pretty sure he is still proud of me!
Once I discovered your arrangements online it changed my guitar playing … and my life. ‘Killing Me Softly’ and ‘Mas Que Nada’ are two favorites that blow peoples’ minds when I perform them … including my own! I was hoping I would do them justice.
Funny. Me & the band are discussing new material for 2019 and “Ain’t Nobody” is on the short list. Mean’t to be. Also … you are in very good company! After I played your version of “Ain’t Nobody” … three suggested videos popped up based on my likes/dislikes. These include Jimi Hendrix, Mark Knopfler … and … wait for it …Bob Ross the PBS painter! LOL. Thankful for a sense of humor … and Adam of course! ; )
Stephan oh man bug thank you! Groove on! AR
Adam!! I just saw and read this post, and I have to say it’s a beautiful read! It’s been a while since you and I chatted, but I’m very glad to see that things are going well for you. You deserve all the success and respect you’re getting and achieving. Peace, brother, and many continued blessings!!
Hey Bill – I am late to replyling. Thank you and I hope you are rocking it!
Adam here leaving a test comment.
Nice of you to share this post.
Hi Adam, one thing I am thankful for today is your version of Everybody Wants to Rule the World. It’s just a thing of beauty, fantastic. Well done.
Thanks Adam for sharing your thoughts. I’ve been following you since seeing you in the Christmas concert in Woodstock, Illinois and appreciate your music and helpful on-line tips. I too and thankful for the many opportunities this country provides for us, my family, friends and health. I wish you the best this coming year.
Thanks Gary! Best to you this holiday season! AR
Hey Adam. I didn’t read all of the comments, but in case no one else has said it already, so many of us are thankful for YOU! Your music and sharing your knowledge brings inspiration, joy, and fulfillment to so many of us. Every song you record and every video you release is really a special event for me. Wishing you all the best throughout the holiday season and into the coming year!
Nice set of items to be thankful, Adam. Thanks for sharing and best wishes.
Thanks for sharing these heartfelt thoughts Adam.
I appreciate your dedication and energy.
I appreciate your depth of character.
I appreciate your willingness to share your talent and insight into the art of musical training. And on that note I appreciate your patience with those less gifted yet still eager to improve!
Inspiring. Thank you, Adam. Happy Holidays to all.