We all make New Year’s plans and resolutions – plans on how to “work hard” to “get what’s out there.” I’m offering you a different angle on that idea….
I recently picked up a copy of Deepak Chopra’s book “The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire” and just finished it on a plane ride to Europe. What’s not to like about a title like that?
“The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire” is an excellent book. Deepak is a dedicated meditator and I felt that the book pulled me into the peaceful, mystical, “boundless” place that he writes from. I am thankful to feel very chilled out right now. I needed that!
I admit, I sometimes fall prey to the state of “wanting more”, and I work every day at finding peace and gratitude for what I’ve got. I always come back to finding that my joy, peace and creativity comes from being spiritually centered.
“Wanting more” is in fact the cause of pain and restlessness itself. There is a cure though. Once we are thankful for what we have and enjoy a feeling of peace within, more comes rushing into our lives. That’s the irony!
I read something in the book that resonated with me, a message I much needed to hear as I gathered ideas about “achieving goals in 2012”, and I’d like to share it with you.
“Suppose a hunter in the Amazon rain forest is having difficulty finding game. If he goes to a Shaman, neither the hunter nor Shaman looks anywhere but within the hunter himself to solve the problem.”
“It never occurs to them to say something like ‘There’s no game out there’. ”
Happy New Year, and may all your good find you in 2012!
That’s a really profound and enriching way to approach the newness of the new year. I am so programmed to the ‘achieve/want more’ mentality, though, that I find myself coveting the balance and peace that Adam describes. Its like the illusive humility…as soon as you think you have it, you lost it. Nevertheless, I love the idea of finding my spiritual center and focusing on that rather than other, more tangible and material goals. Thanks, Adam!
Great post, Adam! Deepak’s written some really interesting stuff – his other books are worth reading too. The “wanting more” topic has been discussed here recently and we came to the same conclusion as you: be grateful for what you have and new game will come! A happy new 2012 to you from Pia and Jens!
If your eye is single(center) than the body is whole,but the double minded man is tossed to and fro like the waves in the ocean,never content or satisfied,hence no peace and sense of accomplishment or self development.Having a heart of gratitude and thankfulness is truly a blessing.Peace and joy in the years to come Adam and I am thankful to have dicovered you and mostly your music!For your music is an inspiration to create new music!
I love your philosophies, Adam. They give a necessary grounding when everything around us can get a bit wierd and driven. I will search out the book.
And a quick comment on “Passing the inspiration forward” – I’m always inspired to practice when I hear you play and that’s not empty flattery. It’s true. And thank you for stopping by my blog.
Wishing you a creative and successful 2012. Pick n Grin. 🙂