Friends, last night I went to go see Tommy Emanuel perform at NYC’s Highline Ballroom. I feel like I don’t even need to say it – it was awesome, one of the best shows I have ever seen. It had variety, virtuosity, groove, highs & lows in intensity.
He had guest performers, he had stories, and jokes. All bound together with the glue of his unbelievable guitar playing.
In short, he gives you an “experience” and does not just “play the guitar well”.
As you know by now, this man has changed my life – and I am one of many people whom he has affected. As you can see in my videos & hear on the mp3’s I plan on “doing something” with this inspiration.
What needs to be noted I think is this: great art and music shows us how EXCELLENT we are as humans, and points to how excellent we can be. Many things show us our excellence also – athletics, invention, science, writing – to name a few.
But to see someone “take it to the limit” shows us the unbelievable depth of the human mind and spirit is a treat, a joy – and much needed today in the age of ”
too much of digital everything.”
On the “meet & greet” line I was practically in tears. I thanked Tommy for his music. I had overheard him saying to the guy ahead of me how he wanted “people to walk out of the show spiritually uplifted”.
Well he spiritually uplifted my girlfriend so much I told her I’d get his number for her π
Seriously though, this brings a Biblical story to mind. There was a story about how Jesus went nuts and overturned tables at a temple that had become a market place, saying something about what they had done to his “Fathers House”.
When I hear all the crapola music that’s out there it makes me want to overturn tables. But, the over promotion of musicians who have hardly practiced, who offer nothing spiritually in their music does serve a purpose. It is the perfect backdrop for when the “real thing” comes along.
Thank you Universe, God, Source for bringing us real artists and messengers who show us the “excellence” that lies buried deep in all human beings.
excellent description of how Tommy Emmanuel’s playing
affected you.
I just saw a list of “100 greatest guitarists” and Tommy
came in 59th. Laughable. You gotta wonder what kind of
guitarists they’re talking about.
I love acoustic guitar playing. In my opinion, Tommy Emmanuel is in the top 3 or 4 acoustical musicians I’ve
ever heart.
Adam, I love seeing that you have taken your pearls of wisdom over the years and made them public via your blog. I honestly don’t think people reading this have any clue about how hard and how long you’ve been anchoring these live along with musical lessons. I can attest to it folks, this mother f*cker has paid his dues (and even some other people’s as well!).
In an often jaded NYC music scene, where talent is a commodity and artistry a branding exercise, the type of joy Adam experienced is a rare gift. Relish it man.